*like the motto... LOL
Well, I am stressed and panic now. I am going to have another IELTS test this Saturday in Semarang. --"
I feel so stupid because I can't pass it just once after living in Melbourne for almost 4 years. I can say that I'm confused now, don't know how to do. I feel that I can do it but at the end, everything is just wrong. huh... It's not as easy as I imagined. After I take some lessons with my English teacher in Solo, I know what my weaknesses are. I hope that I made such an improvement already and be ready for the upcoming test. I don't ask much, I just need 7 for all. Even I got 7 in some parts last time, I am nervous again. Maybe it's because of the pressure. There is surely more pressure now because if I don't pass the test this time... I don't know what to do. On other hand, I'm afraid if I have to repeat the test again and in fact I don't want to do that. Who wants to do the test so many times? Urghhh...
I hope all the practices that I had done will be useful for me. This IELTS test is really really troubling me a lot. It's worse than exam. hahahaha.... And you know what? My teacher said to me this evening, "Why are you so relax? I am worried now. How can you not worry at all?" He didn't know, inside my heart and my brain, I am so stressed! Even, today, I don't have any mood to eat and any energy to debate my teacher. Usually, if he said something, I will always debate or at least defend myself. hahaha... but, today... I just left him and let him thought like that. So, I can only pray and put effort on it. Wish me luck! T-T
*pic is taken from here