My Laptop dieee!
Well, it is not like die die... the laptop itself still can be turned on but the monitor DIE! T-T

Lucky my friend lends me his laptop for now and I need to find a laptop soon before the financial year ends so I still can get the discount ^^
In fact that I am going back to Indo in 2 weeks, I can also claim the GST return.

Anyway, I am confused what to choose between Apple or ASUS.
I have had a look at some brands and some models and decided to choose only between Apple or ASUS.
The only thing that concerns me is I never use MAC before and it is a bit hard to start everything from nothing and no experience. But I love MAC as well.

Both of them have almost the same specs. Basically both of them have 4 GB RAM, 500gb HD, Wi Fi, Graphics Memory, etc. The good part of MAC is there is new OS (Lion) coming soon so I can also upgrade to the new version, well... even Windows also has Windows 7.

My friends told me to choose MAC because it is worth. I even did some surveys in my office. LOL!
Ah, I guess I am going with MAC. I hope I won't regret it! It's good to learn something new tho ;p
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