Few days ago, I lost my wallet in one of Indonesian restaurant in Melbourne. It guess it's just not my luck because that day, at the afternoon, I went to Chadstone VIP night to shop and I thought to buy a wallet but then I decided to not buy because my wallet was still pretty fine and in excellent condition. Then, at night, when I bought a meal in that restaurant, payed for it and sat, I forgot to take the spoon and fork. So, I put my wallet on the table and I was thinking 'should I put it to my bag first'. Unfortunately, I didn't! I thought that it won't be long, besides I put it in the middle of my friends. Teng teng teng.... When I went back after taking spoon and fork, my wallet was gone. First, I thought that my friend took it to bully me but then... they told the truth, they didn't take it. Damn! That time, I felt so sad, afraid and confused. How come? I left only 15 seconds or less and no one knew that my wallet was taken by someone.
Of course you know what I did after that... As others if they lose their wallet. Blocking the ATM and credit card. The worst part is I have to call my father in Indo because the only credit card I have is from him which is Indonesian credit card. And guess.... my parents are so angry with me! Fiuhhh.... The most hatred part is that I really like that wallet and I got my student ID card and my Indonesia driving license inside. Which means...
- I graduate already so I can't get another student ID card which actually can be used for many things such as student discount for movies ticket, free charge for bank account, etc.
- I'm planning to apply for full driving license in November, now... it's just hope! Because I need my Indonesian driving license (min 3years already) to apply for it and you have to be 21 years old. That's why I can only apply for it after my 21st birthday, and not it's completely gone. grrrrrr.....
- I can't rent a car when my mother come here for my graduation, and I can't even drive here. WTH!
I really really want to curse the thief who took my wallet. But I won't... it doesn't bring me any advantage by swearing, in fact I put the sin on myself. I just pray that hopefully it can be back to me or if not, I just leave it to God. He is the one who will punish the thief. Besides, my friend said that it's not strange anymore. There are many people complain and lost their wallet in that restaurant. --"
kalo kehilangan dompet di restaurant, pertama lapor ke manager di restaurant itu, tinggalin nama dan kontak number anda jadi kalau malingnya ninggalin di restauran itu (biasanya di wc) bisa dikembalikan ke anda. kalo anda tak lapor yah sudah. hal kedua lapor ke polisi setempat yg ada di dekat restauran itu, bilang kalau anda kehilangan dompet di restaurant itu, nanti anda harus isi formulir, jadi kalau ada orang nemu di jalan biasanya dikasih ke kantor polisi, polisinya bisa lapor ke anda. soalnya saya juga pernah kehilangan tas sekolah waktu di monash (clayton campus). di student union building itu kan ada tempat baca buku komik di lt 1, nah itu dulu gak boleh bawa tas masuk, jadi mesti ditaruh di raknya, begitu mau keluar, tas-nya sudah hilang, buru2 lapor ke librarian di situ, ternyata di wc sebelah. untung di tas itu ga ada apa2, cuma kertas dan buku sekolah saja, jadi tak ada yg dicuri, lol. curse that thief. makanya kalo ada pacar ga bisa ada yg ngawasin barang anda (just suggestion)