I am in my apartment, alone. My house-mate is having interview for part-time job now, wish her luck and my other house-mate... I guess she's going to univ. While I am alone at home, I am thinking that actually my life isn't that bad. I know I've been complaining lately because I have nothing to do everyday or I have no job but I got some job interviews while some people are so desperate because they don't even get an interview. I got a phone call from IT recruitment that I applied last week and he said that tomorrow I will have a phone interview at 10.30am from an IT company. The good thing is the manager for the position is Indonesian, I can tell from the name that is really Indonesian. Is that actually good or not? Maybe it will be easier for me because we are in the same nationality. Hahahaha... Now, I am a discrimination person ;p

Well, I should prepare for interview tomorrow. But, honestly, I am not really interested. Argh! Human! Never satisfied with what they've got. I said to myself that I know I applied for so many jobs and I really want to get the job from some of them. However, applying for jobs is so awry. When you applied for some jobs and then you will get an interview and let say you get the job, and you know the job is not really good (either in the role or in the salary) but you need to get a job as soon as possible to earn money too. And suddenly the day, the week or two weeks after you get a call from other companies which offer the best offers. How am I supposed to do then? My friend said that's okay as long as there is no contract for the first job, then you can quit anytime you want and get the best one. But, it is impossible if you work for one month and then you quit. Argghhh!!! Okay, let see how the interview tomorrow. Oh, one more thing, I should receive a decision by another company for the role I applied as well tomorrow, either I go to the next step or not. So, my luck is not that bad, isn't it? Hope everything will work fine and I can choose one of them, the best one.

*pic is taken from here
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