What is the best motivation to do diet or control your food?
I will say 'Love', 'Anger' and 'Jealousy'.
At least for me it's proven! So how about when you don't have that someone special at the moment or when you are in your peace with no jealousy and not mad to anyone?
Well, this is what I am doing now.
I've been eating a lot lately. And I will have my holiday very soon next month. Ohhh, not to mention, my friend from Indonesia will come in 10 days and of course he will do culinary. Ohhh, I am also going on road trip this weekend so will be eating together with friends for sure. Ahh! Almost forgot, company Christmas dinner which will be on next Monday. Oh man!
Last Sunday, I went to this Indonesian grocery and saw this Indo snack was on sale.
To buy or not to buy?
If I have that motivation I mentioned before, of course I am not buying.
But, I tell you what? Seems like those love or jealousy feeling has not come to me again... yet.
Here I am enjoying my evening tea with Astor!
I swear to God, this snack is the besttttt!!!!