I'm in Melbourne.
Just arrive last Sunday and thanks God it's cold. haha..
So I can sleep well at night ;p
Have done so many things right after I come back.
The laziest part is cleaning up my room and unpack everything. Uhhh.. so tired!
Btw, I got my first day of uni yesterday, and it was quite well.
Even I was late in the first lecture at 12pm because I missed the bus and tried to get a train but it was worse, so ended up being late for 25mins and got all of the eyes of my teacher and everyone in the room to me. I will remember to stay still, waiting for the next bus next time if I'm late rather than trying to catch the train --"

But, I'm so excited to go back to uni after 3months holiday. Yaayyy! Feel so good and alive again. LOL! Meeting new friends and old friends. And thanks for no tutorial in the first week so I get 3 day off this week. hahaha.. Eventhough I got so many day off, I haven't got enough sleep. I think it's because I'm too excited in Melbourne so I feel don't want to sleep so early at night. LOL! Oooohh... and I went to airport again this morning to pick up my friend. It's actually because my other friend's compulsion but I don't mind at all. Hmmmm... Really not like me! hahaha... Usually I don't want to get up early (8am) to go to airport for picking up. haha.. even I never come to the morning class. hoho... Lucky don't have one this semester.

So.. going to sleep soon tonight! Got so many things to do tomorrow. Applying for IELTS, finding part time job, having lunch with friends, cleaning room (again), etc. Night!
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2 Responses
  1. oneeye Says:

    a lot of things to do but not too hard compare with the middle of semester, where a lot of assignment are due.

  2. Marcia Agata Says:

    do u have facebook? :)